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Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
What is gender bias?

What is gender bias?

Bias comes in many forms and causes us to form prejudices against others. It helps us categorize things to make sense of the world around us. But although it’s common, biases aren’t harmless. In the...

How to foster DEIB?

How to foster DEIB?

Greater innovation, better team performance and increased profitability. These all sound good, right? Just like improving engagement and retention. But what exactly is “doing the right thing”? It...

Why is employer branding important?

Why is employer branding important?

What does employer branding have to do with recruitment? Quite a lot, actually. An employer brand is your company’s reputation as an employer. It indicates what you have to offer to employees. A...

What is DEIB?

What is DEIB?

You seem to be a smart one. You probably know a thing or two about diversity and inclusion, but have you heard about DEIB yet? DEIB is short for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. In the...

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