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How to use SEO in job descriptions

Do you ever wonder why so few potential candidates apply to your jobs? You put all of this effort into writing good job descriptions. And you give them a prominent place on your website. But do you also optimize your job descriptions for SEO? Probably not. Most jobseekers use a search engine to look for a new job. They enter the name of the type of job they are interested in. Often, they also mention the city or region where they want to work. The results that pop up in the search engine is where your job ad needs to be listed. Preferably somewhere at the top of the page. You need to use SEO in job descriptions to make this happen.


Job descriptions optimized for SEO

Optimizing your job descriptions for SEO starts with keyword research. What keywords do job applicants search for when they are looking for a job like yours? Remember that it’s important to use the keywords your target group would use. It’s tempting to give your job a really fancy name. But if jobseekers aren’t using this to search for a similar job, they will never find your job ad.

When it comes to SEO in job descriptions, it’s important to:

  • Mention the keyword in the job title. Preferably also add the location to the job title, since a lot of jobseekers include this, too. Call the job title what it is. It shouldn’t be too long and include any jargon. Instead, you should use clear, plain language.
  • Mention the keyword in the subtitle, first paragraph and a few times in the job description. Don’t overdo it here. Keyword stuffing is not okay. Also, try to mention some synonyms and don’t use more than three to four variations of the keyword.
  • Add a page title and meta description to your job ad. And don’t forget to mention the keyword in both of them.


Use Textmetrics for SEO in job descriptions

To find the perfect candidate for your job, jobseekers need to be able to find your job ad online. Implementing SEO in job descriptions is what you need to do. It’s especially important if you wish to become a more diverse and inclusive company. Because for that to happen, you need to reach your whole target group with your job ad.

But how can you be sure that your job description is optimized for SEO? By using the Textmetrics platform! It has a special recruitment module to implement SEO in job descriptions. And it provides you with real-time suggestions for improvements. Perhaps you need to mention the keyword once more in a subtitle. The platform will give you an SEO score and will tell you exactly what to do to improve it. You’ll end up with job descriptions that have the perfect SEO score and are easy to find online.

Want to try Textmetrics? Click here for a free trial!

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