Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
December 16, 2021

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SEO in job descriptions—use relevant keywords

People looking for a new job often start their search on one of the well-known search engines. What does this mean for you? Your job descriptions must be easy to find online. This is especially important if you’re striving to be an inclusive and diverse company. Because to become this type of workplace, your job ads need to attract a diverse group of candidates. And for that, you’ll need to reach as many people as possible. It’s the only way to receive applications from qualified candidates from different backgrounds.

To achieve the above, you need search engine optimization (SEO). Because using SEO in job descriptions makes them easy to find in search engines like Google and Bing.


SEO in job descriptions – use relevant keywords

How do you go about SEO in job descriptions? And what is the most essential thing to consider? That would be the use of the right keywords. Do you want to determine what these are? Then you need to find out what job titles candidates in your target group search for. You can use SEO tools for this. Examples of these tools are Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends or KeywordTool.io. You can also ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do people in this industry describe their work?
  • How would people search for their position on a job board?
  • What are similar job titles for this position?
  • Is there a more specific job title to describe this position?

Have you found the job title or keyword that most people in your target group would search for? Then you need to:

  • Mention the keyword at the beginning of the title (H1) of the job description.
  • Add the keyword to one of the subtitles (H2) of the job description.
  • Mention the keyword in the first paragraph of the job description—preferably at the beginning.
  • Use the keyword approximately six times (based on a job description of 500–600 words).
  • Use some synonyms of the keyword in your job description.

Don’t forget to also include the location of your company’s office. People often add the name of their target city or region in their search terms.


Textmetrics and SEO in job descriptions

You can use the Textmetrics platform to optimize your job ads for SEO. It provides you with real-time suggestions for improvements. Perhaps you need to mention the keyword once more in a subtitle. Or add a synonym of the keyword to your job ad. You’ll end up with job descriptions that have the perfect SEO score and are easy to find online. Just what you need to attract a diverse group of talented candidates.

Want to try Textmetrics? Click here for a free trial!

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