Israpil Nalgiev

Developer & Support SpecialistTextmetrics
October 12, 2021

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3 ways to implement an effective diversity recruitment strategy

A more innovative and creative workforce. Sounds good, right? It happens when your workforce becomes more diverse. And it’s probably one of the reasons why you have set yourself ambitious diversity and inclusion goals. But it requires some effort to reach these goals. You’ll need an effective diversity recruitment strategy. It helps you build a workforce that resembles society. You’ll hire a diverse range of people. Diverse in terms of their backgrounds, gender, race, religion and age. But it also concerns diversity of skills, education, experience, values and knowledge.

So how do you implement an effective diversity recruitment strategy? We’ll tell you all about it here.

How to implement an effective diversity recruitment strategy

1.   Audit your job ads

Start with looking through the job ads you posted in the past. Do they appeal to a wide range of candidates? Or do they use language that excludes certain groups of people? They might, unintentionally, discourage older people from applying. Or discourage women because you use a more male tone of voice. Adjust those job ads using inclusive language. That way, they will appeal to a spacious range of candidates. That is what diversity recruitment is all about.

2.   Have your diverse employees refer you to their connections

You probably already have some diverse employees working for you. When you’re looking for new talent, you can use their network to become even more diverse. Chances are that the people in their networks have similar backgrounds. So, you should:

  •   ask them to share your job ads in their network.
  •   give them the tools to promote your company for you.

It’s an easy and effective way to boost your diversity recruitment strategy.

3.   Build an employer brand that showcases your diversity

Diversity recruitment can’t do without an employer brand that is known for valuing diversity. To build one, your employees need to talk about how diverse you are. Use their stories and experiences to show how diverse your workforce is. Diverse candidates try to find out how diverse a company is. Organically building an employer brand is the only way to really appeal to them.

Textmetrics and your diversity recruitment strategy

The Textmetrics platform can improve your company’s diversity recruitment strategy. Using algorithms based on artificial intelligence, it reads and analyzes your content. You’ll then receive real-time suggestions for improvements. To develop the right employer brand. One that showcases your diversity. And it helps you write jobs ads using more inclusive language that appeals to a broader range of candidates. And don’t exclude anyone. You’ll end up with job ads with the right tone of voice for everyone in your target group.

Curious to know what Textemetrcis can do for your company’s diversity recruitment strategy? We’d love to tell you all about it.

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