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Israpil Nalgiev

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Top 3 AI and ChatGPT mistakes to avoid

Top 3 AI and ChatGPT mistakes to avoid

In December 2022 AI transformed the world with ChatGPT. Students still thought they could get away with one push of a button to deliver their homework. Blog owners thought the same and uploaded lots...

Data-driven recruitment is the future

Data-driven recruitment is the future

Recently, recruitment has been going through major changes. As you may have noticed, recruitment deserves more attention than you might have given it in the past. Not only because talent is scarce....

5 ways to invest in DEIB

5 ways to invest in DEIB

Do you want to attract and keep top talent of different backgrounds, races and cultures? Then you need to create a workplace where all employees feel safe, respected and valued. Everybody needs to...

The importance of diversity recruitment

The importance of diversity recruitment

Hocus Pocus…POOF?! Nope, we’re sorry, a workforce doesn’t just suddenly become diverse. Unless you’re a wizard, the only way you can reach a diverse group of people is through proper recruitment....

Diversity and inclusion in recruitment

Diversity and inclusion in recruitment

From the diversity and inclusion goals that many companies have set for themselves, it’s obvious that their importance is understood. If you take a quick look at the benefits of a diverse workforce,...

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