Israpil Nalgiev

Developer & Support SpecialistTextmetrics
March 21, 2022

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Augmented writing platform – what is it, and what can you use it for?

In recent years, the quality of written content has become increasingly important. Everything you publish needs to be engaging, interesting, and well-written. That’s the only way to ensure that people will read and share it. And the only way to make sure that Google will reward your SEO efforts. But continuously producing well-written content is easier said than done. Especially if there is much to consider, such as the tone of voice and avoiding bias. Luckily, there is technology available that can be of help here. It’s called an augmented writing platform. What is it, and what can you use it for? We’ll tell you below.


What is an augmented writing platform?

An augmented writing platform is a technology that serves as a writing coach. It’s your own personal writing assistant. You use an augmented writing platform to:

  • improve the quality of your writing by removing unnecessary words and grammar mistakes;
  • remove biased language from your writing;
  • adhere to a particular tone of voice and terminology;
  • maintain consistency throughout your writing;
  • write at a certain language level.

Of course, you can pay attention to the above yourself. Or you can ask someone else to give you feedback on the content you’ve written. But those are very time-consuming activities. And some biases are hard to detect. Job descriptions, for example, often have a more masculine tone of voice. This is very hard to detect yourself. An augmented writing platform, however, has no problem highlighting this. And it will give you suggestions to use language that appeals to both men and women.


An augmented writing platform and recruitment

Job descriptions are part of the content your company produces. They, too, need to be well-written and inclusive if you want to appeal to your entire target group. At Textmetrics, we offer you a full augmented writing platform. You can use it to create more inclusive content. Our platform reads and analyzes your content and provides you with real-time suggestions for improvements.

And there’s more! You can also use the augmented writing platform for SEO. This increases the likelihood that more qualified candidates will apply. The better your job ads are written, the more people in your target group you will reach. And you’ll need to reach everyone in your target group if you want to achieve your D&I goals.

​​Want to know more about our Smart Writing Assistant? Click here.

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