Israpil Nalgiev

Developer & Support SpecialistTextmetrics
September 1, 2021

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The importance of diversity recruitment

Hocus Pocus…POOF?! Nope, we’re sorry, a workforce doesn’t just suddenly become diverse. Unless you’re a wizard, the only way you can reach a diverse group of people is through proper recruitment. Your recruitment strategy needs to put people first. It should focus on talents, not age, race or gender. So, no hocus pocus, but rather, focus.


What is diversity recruitment?

Diversity recruitment is about making your workforce look like society. We call this inherent diversity. Sounds complex, maybe, but if you’re determined to have a diverse workforce in terms of age, gender, race, sexual orientation and religion, it’s simple. Diversity recruitment is about characteristics that define who someone is as a person. People can also be diverse when it comes to their skills, education, experience, values and knowledge. This is called acquired diversity, and it’s all about things that can evolve and develop over time.

To achieve diversity in the workforce, you’ll need a hiring process free from biases. All applicants need to have an equal chance at consideration for the job regardless of their age, gender, race and more. You don’t get anything for nothing! For more diversity in the workforce, a successful diversity recruitment strategy is key.


Why is diversity recruitment so important?

“Why not?” is the real question here. Diversity recruitment is the only way to achieve a more diverse workforce, and a diverse workforce is important for many, many reasons including the few we’ve already mentioned. People who are part of a diverse workforce are more productive and creative, perform better, and are better at solving problems. This results in better decision-making, which leads to better results. Talk about the perfect situation!

A more diverse workforce means there is:

A broader range of skills and experiences present in the company
More language and cultural awareness
A larger candidate pool to hire from

This makes it easier to find the talented people you’re searching for, the ones who can really contribute to the success of your company.

It’s clear why diversity recruitment is so important. If you want to keep up or stay ahead of the competition, you can’t do without a diverse workforce. Believe us or not, it’s as simple as that. If your company already has ambitious diversity and inclusion goals, then diversity recruitment is the best way to reach them. In times like these, when society is screaming out for more diversity and inclusion, you can’t risk falling behind.


Textmetrics as your hero in diversity recruitment

For diversity recruitment, you’ll need a hiring process that is free of biases. Often, unintentionally, job descriptions are biased. With age and gender being the two most common biases. But what did we just learn? Exactly, to focus on talent! So, who cares about age and gender? We don’t.

Older people are often discouraged from applying, and the same goes for women. This has to do with the language used which most of the time, isn’t inclusive. The Textmetrics platform can help you write job descriptions for EVERYONE. We use inclusive language to help you write bias-free. To achieve this, the platform uses algorithms based on artificial intelligence to read and analyze your content. You’ll then receive real-time suggestions for improvements. This will help you to prevent age bias. Cool, right?

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