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All about BERT, the new Google update

All about BERT, the new Google update

Google updates its algorithms on a daily basis, but most of these updates are too small to mention. However, on the 25th of October last year, Google announced its biggest update of the past five...

Essential marketing trends for 2020

Essential marketing trends for 2020

The beginning of the year is a moment to look back on the year that has passed, but it’s maybe even more so a great time to look ahead at where we’re going. At Textmetrics, we believe that looking...

How to implement your brand identity

How to implement your brand identity

A brand identity is how a company presents itself to the world. It refers to all the elements that a company might use to convey the essence of the business to customers, including their messaging,...

The importance of brand consistency

The importance of brand consistency

Brand consistency is the practice of always delivering messages that are in line with the identity and values of your brand. Consistency here means that your target audience is being exposed to the...

Solutions to 5 Common HR Challenges

Solutions to 5 Common HR Challenges

Hiring has never been easy. However, as technology starts to rule business practices, it has become more efficient. With today’s current hiring methods, finding qualified candidates has never been...

The benefits of AI Recruiting – Part 1

The benefits of AI Recruiting – Part 1

When it comes to hiring, the resource needed most for HR teams is time. Screening for the best candidates to fill any position can take countless man-hours – and comprises a large part of any hiring...

The importance of consistent content

The importance of consistent content

Content is king, right? Perhaps that’s a bit too simplistic. Content is really only king when it helps you grow your brand. You can create an incredible amount of content, but it won’t do you much...

How to reach your target audience

How to reach your target audience

SEO copywriting is incredibly important in your online marketing strategy. But even more important is to reach your intended audience. In this blog post, we’ll give you tips and tricks for...

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