August 22, 2019

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The future of writing: augmented writing software – Part 2: The use of artificial intelligence in augmented writing

Becoming a better writer

In Part 1 of this blog The future of writing: augmented writing software; How it all began, we discussed technologies like artificial intelligence that shape the way we communicate. Remember? We took a little trip down memory lane and discovered how writing software evolved over the last few decades and we can fairly state that it was quite a ride! We’ve come a long way since the introduction of the first word processing software WordPerfect, and writing software came into our lives to make it a lot easier. It gave us the tools to write without errors and to collaborate with others during the writing process. What the software didn’t do, however, was make us better writers. For that we had to wait a few decades, but… it’s HAPPENING. The day has come that new software is available to assist us in improving our writing. Hurray!


Challenges companies face when producing written content

For companies, it’s important to distribute well-written, interesting and useful content. Especially online, there’s an everlasting battle going on where competitors try to persuade potential readers to read their content. It’s challenging to make people read your content, however, it’s even more difficult to have readers perform a certain action after they read it, right?. Taking this into consideration, the quality of your content is just as important as implementing the right SEO strategies. Nowadays the competition is so fierce that even the most experienced writers on the battlefield have to be creative in finding the most powerful words and effective phrases in order to survive.

Another thing to keep in mind is that companies, especially those that are larger, have more than one writer. A major challenge here is to apply the same tone of voice to all content and be consistent in style. Of course, a style guide can help, but it takes time to memorize and implement it in practice. Often, there isn’t any time, and content has to be published online as quickly as possible. HURRY!


Let’s find out how augmented writing can help you produce better content

Augmented writing can help you solve these problems and on top of that, it saves money AND engages your readers more, because:
It improves the overall quality of your writing, eliminating unnecessary words and grammatical errors.
It helps you maintain consistency throughout your writing.
It avoids biased language that may detract from your writing.
It helps you follow a particular tone of voice and terminology.
It helps you use more positive language that is more likely to achieve your goals.
Handy, isn’t it? Plenty of reasons to consider using augmented writing software as your personal writing coach! And don’t be afraid…it’s not designed to replace humans. The software will not steal your job, nor do your writing. Augmented software collaborates with you to IMPROVE your writing. It gives you positive feedback while writing and makes your life easier. In time, you’ll notice that the software gives you fewer suggestions on improvements because you’ve improved your writing skills and your first drafts will be much better than before. We’re sure you’ll become best friends one day!


Discover Textmetrics’ augmented writing software

Surprise! We’ve got something for you. At Textmetrics we use artificial intelligence to make you a better writer. OK, perhaps you won’t become the new Charles Dickens, but our augmented writing software is all about quality and effectiveness. It assists you in real-time giving you the suggestions you need to write high-quality content that matches the needs of your target audience. It’s important that everyone in your organization writes in the same tone of voice, and guess what? Textmetrics can assist you with this as well! The software uses algorithms based on artificial intelligence to recognise aspects such as how formal or informal the text is, how easy it is to read, how friendly it sounds and so on. You can select your preferences and any person who writes a text will automatically be supported to apply the selected settings. But wait, there’s more! On top of that, you can add organization-specific rules and guidelines. The writer just needs to switch on the cloud-based app and start writing.

The augmented writing software of Textmetrics can help you centrally manage the tone of voice being used throughout the organization and coach writers and everyone else in the organization that writes a piece every now and then to become even better at what they do. All the content that is produced is well-written, interesting, useful and will contribute to building the right image.

Your company and our writing software? It’s written in the stars.

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