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Solutions to 5 Common HR Challenges

Hiring has never been easy.

However, as technology starts to rule business practices, it has become more efficient. With today’s current hiring methods, finding qualified candidates has never been easier. Nevertheless, HR teams still find themselves battling similar challenges that can slow down hiring progress and cost the organization money that they’d likely rather save.

Still, challenges can be overcome. In this article, we examine some of the most pervasive HR hiring challenges and offer solutions to the issue. Fighting these common challenges can help your team become more efficient, save your organization money, and hire the best fit for the role, which will help the long-term success of not only the business but your team, as well.

Common HR Issue #1: Attracting the right fit

Most recruiters would say that their number one challenge is attracting the right talent for the role. HR teams are inundated with thousands of resumes from unqualified candidates – often, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

Solution: Use an AI keyword spotting tool like Textmetrics, and ensure that your job ads are written as clearly as possible to attract the skills you want.

Be concise and clear – the more precise the writing, the better when it comes to job ads. You’re looking for candidates that can answer the questions you’re posing and read between the lines to give you what you want. Use an application form with pointed questions that will train your AI recruiting tool to spot common wording patterns, sentence structure, and certain keywords. If you’re not using technology, set these common parameters for your team and discard any resume that doesn’t meet them.

Common HR Issue #2: Engaging the talent you want

So you’ve interviewed your candidates and have narrowed it down to three superstars. What makes them choose your company over another? One of the biggest challenges interviewers face is selling the role to the candidate they want.

Solution: Research, research, research

Superstar talent leaves a paper trail – their goals and their successes are often widely published online and in their industry communications. Have your team find out what makes them tick and include it in the offer. Talented candidates want a chance to grow in their career over anything else. Prove that your organization can do that for them, and they will consider you over others.

But don’t discount other perks, too. Candidates want to know what makes your organization worth their while. An attractive offer package, plus the ability to succeed and grow even more than they already have, may just land you your newest superstar hire.

Common HR Issue #3: Using data-driven recruitment

While AI systems for recruiting boast that they can save your team more time than ever, collecting and processing data can prove to be more of a hassle than it seems. Tracking data and trends require HR coordinators that know their way around a CRM or other database-driven system.

Solution: Pick a few metrics that align with your organization’s KPIs and invest in recruitment tracking software

You don’t have to track every metric there is – that’s a waste of your team’s time and efforts. Instead, invest in an easy to use recruitment marketing software system and discuss with senior management the best metrics to track. You’ll find it much easier to set goals for your team that are actually measurable and achievable.

Common HR Issue #4: Hiring fast

Everyone wants to cut the laborious, long process of hiring the right candidate. However, everyone also wants the best fit for the role. How do you fast-track hiring without sacrificing quality?

Solution: Overhaul your hiring process

Are all the hiring stages your organization goes through really necessary? Can you get away with cutting the interview process to an in-depth get-to-know-you interview and then an informal meet and greet with senior management? Can you let an AI or technology-based system take care of the pre-screening for you? Look at the way you hire and then look at how it can be streamlined. Chances are, you can probably cut out a lot of the time you spend on menial tasks.

Common HR Issue #5: Building and keeping a strong organizational brand

Candidates look for organizations that will best fit their values and standards. But keeping a good employer brand, especially if you’ve had some disgruntled employees leave or be terminated, can be hard.

Solution: Make brand management and marketing a part of your HR process

No, you don’t have to hire marketing coordinators – but you should consider working closely with your marketing team or training your HR coordinators to respond to reviews online, positive or negative. Build an attractive website that outlines what your company can do for employees, and what they can do when working for you. Tell your brand story – ask your marketing team to let a member of your team guest blog, and consider publishing testimonials that cast your company in a good light.

HR challenges don’t have to be overwhelming. By training your team to spot challenges and implement solutions, you can hire faster, keep candidates longer, and build your brand as an organization while cutting the inefficiencies that can build up over time.

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