
All about ChatGPT

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AI and Sustainability

AI and Sustainability

If we were to summarize the topics of this century that cause heated debates and many headlines, AI and Sustainability would be high up on the agenda. However, how often do we really talk about...

A conversation with our partner Extanto

A conversation with our partner Extanto

Extanto is an established company that provides high-quality content services for academic publishing in the USA, with a specialization in science and mathematics. The company started in 2009 and...

New AI jobs to consider

New AI jobs to consider

AI has been around for longer than we realize in smart devices for households, factories and science. But the arrival of the large language models like ChatGPT really shook us up. Now that we can...

This is how AI changes marketing

This is how AI changes marketing

So, how did you experience the introduction of AI? Perhaps you have been following the developments for years, and you kind of eased into it. It’s more likely, though, that the speed with which AI...

The AI text generation timeline

The AI text generation timeline

If we were to ask you about the latest developments in AI text generation, could you name them all? Don’t worry if the answer is no. These developments are happening so fast that it’s hard for...

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