Allow our customized software to improve your content

Want to make communication as easy as it gets?
Write your text with the customizable Smart AI Writing Software of Textmetrics.
Textmetrics' editor on laptop

“For everyone who writes,
with people,goals in mind

– The Text Improvers

Inclusive writing

  • Gender-inclusive language
  • Non-discriminatory language
  • Diversity & inclusion guidelines

Consistent high quality

  • Software customized for your company
  • Follow your company guidelines
  • Your company branding & tone of voice

Understandable writing

  • Write without mistakes
  • Write in the correct language level
  • Translate into all languages
Portrait of Israpil

SEO and Content suggestions perfectly combined in one software.

Textmetrics harmonizes all our content from every writer into one seamless and melodious tone of voice.

– Astrid de Graaf, Content Manager Service Communication at Vattenfall

With Textmetrics, we boosted our D&I goals and saw a 10% increase in female applicants.

– Marieke van Herwerden, Team Lead Talent Acquisition at Arcadis

Text logo with one line reading: accenture, a second line reading High performance. Delivered.
Hapag-Lloyd logo
Blue text spelling out Allianz followed with a circle that contains three lines, middle line is slightly taller and bent at the top.
Capital letters I N G followed by a lion made in orange.
Capital letters I N G followed by a lion made in orange.

Read all customer stories here

Media & Publishers

If you’re a media or publishing company with multiple brands, we can help you optimize your content for Google. We’ll help you pick the right keywords and give you suggestions while you’re writing to boost your ranking.


If you’re a big company with 1000+ employees, we’ve got you covered. Our software is available in 4 languages, and the text optimizer can handle 12 languages. Plus, you can translate your texts into any language you need.

Staffing Agencies

If you run a staffing agency with 20+ people writing content and job ads, we’ve got a module just for you. It’s designed to help you write ads that really get job seekers excited about applying.


This module is perfect for governmental organizations where writing is involved. We made it with the Direct Duidelijk Brigade to help you write clear and easy-to-understand texts that are at a B1 level.


How to: Biasfree content

Different company specific rulesets can be installed per department
Just one onboarding and one license needed

More than gender inclusive

Creating diverse and inclusive content is more than just avoiding gender bias. It means including people from all walks of life – different ages, cultures, and even those with lower reading proficiency. Our software has got you covered in this aspect of D&I too.

More than just your content

Meeting your D&I goals is tougher than it seems. Your website needs to be accessible to everyone, not just a select few. Textmetrics can help you do that. For instance, someone who is visually impaired can enjoy your content more if your website is screen reader-friendly and usage of colors like red and green are minimized.


Company wide mistakes

Make sure everyone in your company is on the same page when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Using Textmetrics can help keep things consistent, whether it’s in emails, on your website, or during the hiring process. So why not take a company-wide approach and make it easy for everyone?

Want to find out yourself how easy data-driven writing can be?

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