Textmetrics launches SEO-feature for online retailers

Textmetrics launches SEO-feature for online retailers

A brand new feature that helps online retailers extend their online findability is launched in the latest release of Textmetrics. This feature helps online retailers specifically with the optimization of product texts.

Optimize product texts 
The optimization of product texts is a significant other process then optimize blogs or articles. An example: on product pages there’s less text. In the tool users can select the text type, product or article, their working on. When selecting the ‘product text’ in the Textmetrics editor, the optimization rules will set specific for product pages. In this knowledgebase article you can learn more about the optimization of product texts in Textmetrics.

More languages and domains 
In the extensive Keyword Suggestion Tool we help users to find the best keyword for their text. In Textmetrics you can optimize for more than 20 languages. New languages in the tool are: Portuguese, Spanish, Hindi, Urdu and Malaysian.

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Page tracker
We made major improvements on the Page Tracker feature. The Page Tracker gives you insights on your current position in Google. This feature was released in beta in december and optimized since then. Textmetrics users can use the Page Tracker to follow the progress of their SEO activities.

Page Tracker beta - results Page Tracker

Earning rewards 
A whole new element is the possibility to earn rewards. Users can earn a rewards when they use Textmetrics active or invite friends to try Textmetrics. Rewards can be keyword credits, pages, projects or page trackers.

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Other adjustments and improvements in this release are:

  • Wordcounter is back in the editor.
  • Page import improvements. Learn more
  • Export all pages in a project
  • Several small bugs fixed
  • Updated SEO rules

Here you’ll find an overview of all the releases. Want to learn what Textmetrics can do for your web shop? Create a free trial account and try it yourself!