4 Simple Steps To Excellent Webcontent [Infographic]

4 Simple Steps To Excellent Webcontent [Infographic]

Excellent webcontent, that’s something we all want. Lots and lots of visitors and maybe even more new clients are the wishes of many business owners.

That’s why we’re here to help. Basically, you need to do two things to make excellent webcontent:

1. Writing creative content that your target audience wants to read

2. Optimizing your content in a technical way


conditions for excellent webcontent

Why are these two things so important for excellent webcontent?

Creative content for your target audience is the most important piece of the puzzle. You need to write content that they like and share with their friends.

That’s one of the ways to create more traffic to your site, just by writing excellent and creative content.

We wrote another article about this subject, so if you’re interested in “writing to reach your target audience”, you can read our article here!

But the other thing, optimizing your content, is just as important.

If you write good content, then you want your content to be found, also in the search engines.

That’s why it’s important to focus on the right keywords and optimize your content in the right way.

But to be honest, SEO is not the most fun thing to do.

That’s why we created Textmetrics:

To make sure that you won’t spend too much time on optimizing your content!

Simple webcontent optimization with Textmetrics

The most simple way to optimize your webcontent is to follow our new infographic:

“4 steps to excellent webcontent”

SEO doesn’t have to be hard to do, and that’s why we tried to keep it simple. It’s just like we always say:

With Textmetrics, everyone can be a seo expert.

Don’t wait any longer and just read and learn from our new infographic!

Don’t forget to share it with your friends if you like this post!
Textmetrics infographic

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Textmetrics special: SEO myth buster

Textmetrics special: SEO myth buster

Today it’s time to clear things up about the large amount SEO myths. After our new SEO myth buster special, nothing will be the same anymore. If you just Google for a moment (yes, you can try if you want) and search for SEO tips and tricks, you will find thousands of pages full of tips. But if you look closer at these tips and tricks, you will see that there are a few tips that are inconsistent with each other. We’re here to solve these inconsistencies once and for all!

SEO myth #1: Keywords are death

One of the first things you will see if you google for SEO tips, is the word: KEYWORD! But the first inconsistency will come with this word. Some of the SEO experts say that it’s really important to make sure that you focus your content on keywords that are related to your website. But at the same time, some of the experts say that the keywords are death. This sounds like it’s now useless to use keywords, because Google will look right through this intention to raise in their rankings. But that’s our first SEO myth that we want to clear up.

Keywords are not death! The fact is, keywords are just as important as they always were. But there are also a lot of new techniques that Google uses to collect the best websites for a search word. That’s why it’s smart to take all these new techniques with you if your writing content but you surely must think about your keywords! It’s also smart to use some synonyms of your keyword and some related words because Google now scans for more than just your targeted keywords. If you want to make sure that you use just enough keywords in your content, you should use the free trail of Textmetrics to check the technical optimization of your texts.

SEO myth #2: Longer articles are better!

This is another myth that we need to clear up. Longer articles aren’t always better. You don’t have to write long articles unless you really need that much space to explain your subject. Our tip is always: Think of your audience. If you think they want to have more information about the subject, write more. If you think just a simple article is enough, then write less.

For the search engines doesn’t make any difference in the rankings. As long as your story is unique and compelling, you don’t have anything to worry about!

SEO myth #3: ALT-tags and descriptions are very important in SEO

This myth is quite a big one. ALT-tags and descriptions should be very effective in SEO ranking. Well, they aren’t. Yes, we think it’s important to use clear descriptions and ALT-tags with your visual content, but it has no (measurable) effects on your search engine ranking. They might appear in the google image search, but that’s all of the SEO effects that you will get by using an ALT-tag or description.

SEO myth #4: Penalties for duplicate content

A lot of people think that if you duplicate your content, Google will give you a penalty for it. Well, that’s not the full truth. Yes, if you try to manipulate the search engine results by duplicating your content over and over again, with the goal to mislead Google, then you have the chance that they will punish you. But if you just rewrite some articles or duplicate some earlier written content on your website, then you have nothing to worry about!

SEO myth #5: Once you’re at the top, you will stay there

Some people seem to think that linkbuilding and SEO is a once in a lifetime thing. You need to get some links, make your pages optimized, and BOOM, you will be the SEO king. That’s a big myth, even if you are at the top of the search engines, think about the fact that you’ve kicked someone off the top by climbing there. That could also happen to you. That’s why you have to optimize your content, again and again. Never stop working on your SEO ranking, it can always become stronger!

We hope that we have helped you by busting these SEO myths, don’t get fooled again! Now go on and optimize your content with our Textmetrics, because you heard so, keywords are not death! 😉

SEO for newbs

SEO for newbs

Nowadays it’s more of a must than a choice, using SEO on a daily base. Don’t you join this online revolution, you will feel it in your bad online results. But SEO isn’t that easy to control. Of course there are millions of tips posted online that will help you end up higher in the results of our most popular search engines, but then you still have a long way of work to go. We wrote a little article for all the Textmetrics loving SEO newbies. By reading this article we hope to get you one step closer to SEO success!

Don’t forget your biggest priority, your customers!

Because of the loads of SEO tips and tricks on the internet, lots of content creators forget what SEO is about. Reaching your target audience! Lots of views in the search engines is a very good first step to reach your audience, but it’s not the most important thing to achieve. The best way to reach your target audience in a nice way is to produce content that they love, like and share. The final goal isn’t just getting more views, but it’s to engage your customers to your brand, website and blog. People need to feel like they HAVE TO return to your content! Of course keywords are important, and it’s smart to optimize your web content, but a content creator should never forget his customers. That’s the first and maybe the most important tip that we have for you today!

Keywords, keywords, keywords

Now that we made our first point, we can continue with the technical stuff. Probably you’re already expecting the next point, even if you just know really a little bit about SEO, keywords! It’s really important for you as a content creator to think about and to choose the best keywords for your pages. Luckily for you, you’re now on the blog page of Textmetrics, the tool that helps you to make your own, simple keyword list. You can try it out yourself by making a free account here! Do you want to know more about choosing the best keywords? We have found another article for the most fanatic newbies!

Update your content

Customers love nice, fun, new and interesting content. Maybe it’s a bit logical, but some business owners appear to forget this fact. Followers become followers of your business because you give them trust, interest and the constant trigger of new and fun articles. So, just a simple question: “How to get followers?” Just make sure to update your website, make new pages with new content. No-one likes to read 10 times the same content, so start producing original content! And there is more, by following this tip you will get an extra advantage on Google. They like to rate active websites higher in their search results!


Linkbuilding is definitely as important as optimizing your own web content. By getting links from other sites to your website you will get more and more popular in the search engines. It works exactly the same as in real life, if your best friend tells you that you NEED TO try that new cocktail, then you’ll believe that the cocktail is delicious! And that’s exactly the way Google ‘thinks’. Do you want to know how to reach the best results by using linkbuilding? Read this article!

Please feel free to leave your own tips for our (co-)newbies!

Become a webcare king

Become a webcare king

It’s no secret that lots and lots of people use the internet on a daily base for all kind of activities. Sharing funny videos, buying a present for our grandma’s birthday, posting holiday pictures, giving our opinions to world problems, looking at pictures of cats, all of these things are things we do online. You could say that we spend half of our lives online nowadays. And that’s exactly the point of this article.

Every business nowadays should take their part in the online world. Just offering the best price to your customers isn’t enough anymore. In today’s world everybody has access to millions of companies and billions of products. You could almost say only way to reach your customers thoughts is to become popular and respected in their online life. But how do you make sure to stay popular online? That’s what we’re going to help you with today. Just read the following tips for your webcare strategy and become the webcare king in your branch!

Step 1: Do research

Lots of companies make the mistake of not knowing where to reach their audience, don’t make the same mistake and investigate your target audience. Make sure you know where they share their opinions, when they watch their news, what’s going on in their lives.

Step 2: Get noticed

The second step to become the number one company in your customers mind online is to get noticed. No company can be popular without being known. In the first step you made sure that you know where to find your audience, now make sure that they know where to find you! Make sure they notice that you’re there! Join their favourite networks and join their important discussions.

Step 3: Stay visible/active

After you get noticed, it’s important to stay visible. To differentiate yourself from all the other companies, you should constantly be active. Big news for your target audience? Make sure you’re the one to share it to them. Interesting online event coming up for your audience? Participate!

You’ve got to make sure that you always stay in line of sight of your audience, otherwise there are 100’s of other companies that would love to take your place in just a few moments.

Step 4: Be reactive

The most important step of webcare is being reactive. You can’t just wait for people to come to you, you should be the one to reach out to your audience. React to their opinions about relevant news, help them with the problems they share online and make sure they appreciate your presents.

But when you’re visible online, there will always be people that think badly about your company. Make sure to respond seriously to their complaints and look for an appropriate solution for their problems. A few complaints that aren’t taken seriously can be deadly to your companies popularity, even if you think they aren’t that important on first sight. It’s better to prevent than to fix these dangerous situations.

Besides the fact that it could be dangerous to ignore online complaints, it’s also a missed chance. If you succeed to convert people’s complaints into successfully fixed problems, than people will even like you more. They feel taken seriously and will share their success stories with their friends. Just a little effort for a lot of positive response, isn’t that something every company should want to have?

Royal Dutch Airlines, webcare kings

One of the many companies that know how to use webcare as their weapon is the Royal Dutch Airlines. (@KLM on twitter) This company has a big webcare team that provides everything their audience asks for, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in 14 languages. They know exactly what to share, what to say and how to respond. If you want to learn how to become a webcare king, they are definitely a good teacher.

Don’t wait any longer and become a webcare king yourself!