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Chief diversity officer job description, things to keep in mind

How is shaping your diversity, equity, and inclusion program going? Are the goals clear? And do you know how you’re going to reach them? Or could this all do with a bit more attention? If the answer to the last question is ‘Yes’, you might need to hire a chief diversity officer. This relatively new position is growing in importance and popularity. And there is a good reason for that. Companies are increasingly seeking to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce. The chief diversity officer is the person who makes that happen. 

But how do you find the perfect person for the job? Read on to discover what to keep in mind when you’re writing a chief diversity officer job description.


What does a chief diversity officer do?

To write a chief diversity officer job description, you need to know what duties and responsibilities this person has. The list is long, but we’ll give you an overview of the most important tasks. A chief diversity officer:

  • sets diversity goals and comes up with DEI programs;
  • facilitates diverse hiring practices;
  • creates diversity training material;
  • addresses problematic behavior related to DEI;
  • stays on top of trends, laws, and regulations influencing DEI programs.


What skills does a chief diversity officer need?

A successful chief diversity officer masters at least the following four skills and competencies:

Education – A chief diversity officer has a degree or higher education related to business or sociology. It’s a big plus if DEI projects were part of their studies.   

Empathy – A long track record of empathy is an essential skill for a chief diversity officer. You want to find a sensitive and understanding person. Someone who is eager to hear from people from different backgrounds. Especially since a chief diversity officer needs to lobby for a work environment in which everyone can thrive.  

Experience – Previous experience in a similar job is always a big plus. But since this is a relatively new position, that might not always be the case. Experience in management, HR, or marketing is also a good place to start. 

Good communication and strategic planning – A chief diversity officer needs to have outstanding communication skills. They deal with many sensitive and personal issues. And they use these to develop an effective strategic plan for DEI initiatives. This plan then needs to be communicated to everyone in the company. 


Use Textmetrics to write a chief diversity officer job description

Chief diversity officer is a relatively new job. It can be challenging to find the right. You’ll need to write a good job description. One that appeals to as many people as possible. To men and women alike, and to people of all ages. And it needs to be easy to find online.

You can use the Textmetrics platform to write your chief diversity officer job description. It should be an inclusive job description that appeals to many. A job post that has a more gender-neutral tone of voice and appeals to both men and women. And one that can be optimized for SEO and Google for Jobs.

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