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Textmetrics Launches New Innovative Features In DIY On-Page SEO Tool

Summary:  Textmetrics has quickly become one of the most trusted SEO tools available. It allows content managers and website owners to write content that is Google friendly and achieve higher Google rankings.

Textmetrics was invented to help content managers and website owners to achieve higher Google rankings for their content, leading to more visitors and customers on their websites. It provides a simplified method of optimizing a page and its content, removing the hours spent trying to keep in line with all the up to date Google rules and regulations. As of today, Textmetrics has launched a major update which adds new and innovative features for on-page optimization.

Innovation: content specific optimization

Textmetrics now offers users the option to apply content specific optimization rules.  The user chooses  the type of content they wish to improve, eg. a blog or a product page. Depending on the type of content, different SEO optimization rules will be applied. These instructions can be actioned within minutes, providing a tool that is fast and one that provides real results.

Keyword research tool

Included in Textmetrics is the Keyword research tool. When writing content it is important to use keywords that people are looking for, this tool simplifies that process. It looks at the chosen keyword and researches all the options available and produces information and the current best words to use for increased traffic. It has the option to search for keywords in over 30 languages.

Track rankings and progress

Another important tool is the Page Tracker tool that allows an SEO professional or website owner to track the ranking of a certain page to see how well it is ranking. The website owner or content manager will then know if to make changes to that page to achieve higher ranking and improved traffic.

Rewards in DIY On-Page SEO tool

A spokesman for Textmetrics said: “We have introduced a rewards program. Users are rewarded when actively using Textmetrics. This means users will get even more (free) options to make full use of Textmetrics to optimize their content”

Textmetrics is making the optimization of pages and websites simplified, to learn more about the important SEO tool and to try it out for free for 7 days.

About Textmetrics
Textmetrics is a Dutch startup with a goal of making search engine optimization available to everyone. The do-it-yourself tool helps business owners to write content that is optimized for search engines. Unlike other SEO tools, Textmetrics is easy-to-use and accessible to people who don’t know much about technology. Additionally, the team at Textmetrics keeps users up to date with a blog that outlines a variety of articles involving SEO and the latest techniques.

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