April 21, 2016

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SEO for Prestashop: The guide to online prestashop success

In the last few weeks we made a serie of articles about the use of SEO for your Prestashop. With these articles, you’ll be able to make a quick start with the use of SEO for your online Prestashop. Also, take a look at our new infographic with the basic information about the use of SEO for Prestashop, on the bottom of this page. Let us know that you think!

SEO for Prestashop part 1: How to use SEO for your online store?

“Many people who hear about SEO for Prestashop for the first time, immediately start searching for information. They want – just like you – to start improving their website as quickly as possible to get more revenue out of their shop! While the Internet is full of articles about SEO optimisation for Prestashop, many enthusiastic shop owners are quickly disappointed. Many articles require some basic knowledge on how to optimise your content because you bump into so many technical terms. While other articles explain nothing about SEO for Prestashop and immediately advise you to hire an expert – often the writer of the article. You rarely see articles that are somewhere in between. A pity, because you really don’t have to be an expert to understand SEO for Prestashop. In this article you will learn more about SEO for Prestashop and how you can use it. It is the first article in a series on SEO for Prestashop, so keep an eye on our site for more tips!”

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SEO for Prestashop part 2: If you want to be found, you have to write

“One of the simplest and perhaps most important rules of SEO for Prestashop is that “if you want to be found by Google, you also have to give Google something to find.” Maybe you love a website with not too much content and just a bunch of photos, but Google does not get too excited by that. When you think about it, it actually makes perfect sense, because how will you be found based on “buy wake-up light” if your website does not have any articles about that topic? If you only have a Prestashop full of different models of wake-up lights, then it becomes a lot harder to appear at the top of the search results. You will therefore need to ensure that your website is a combination of pictures and content. In this article you will read everything about SEO writing for Prestashop. We will tell you how you can get to a list of good keywords, how a content plan can help you, and how you can make sure that your content complies with all the rules of Google.”

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SEO for Prestashop part 3: Make sure you are being noticed

“When did you last buy something online? Can you still remember how you ended up at that web shop? Via Google? Did you read an article somewhere about the online store? Did you see a picture of a blogger with a product that made you think: I must have that? Was it the experience of a friend that made you decide to buy something? Or have you bought items at that web shop before so that you know you can always buy product X with them? While optimising the content on your Prestashop is very important to reach potential customers, you should also ensure that you’re being talked about. If not a single piece of content on your Prestashop meets the SEO rules, it can still rank high in Google. Simply because other sites talk about your product. Google takes this into account when valuating your site. Searching for your potential customers through so-called link building does not only have a direct effect, because readers of an article click through to your site, but also an indirect effect because eventually you’ll rank better in Google. In this article you can read more about link building for your Prestashop”

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SEO for Prestashop part 4: Look at your online business card with a critical eye

“Just like the window is the calling card of a store, the homepage is the calling card of your Prestashop. Many people will eventually end up on that page when they land on your site. Whether they are sent there directly or get there after a few clicks, the homepage of your web shop determines the impression people get from you. But that’s not the only reason why the window of your web shop is important. Some people in the SEO world believe that optimising your online shop window can increase your visibility in Google. In this article we share with you what the general thoughts are about optimising your website for search engines and what tips you can use for your Prestashop.”

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Prestashop Infographic

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