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Content marketing trends in 2015

Now that April Fools is over, we can go back to the serious stuff. But serious can be nice too! It’s time for our list of content marketing trend in 2015. Our personal favorite is the list by Phileas Fox of marketingfacts. A useful list full of interesting developments that are very important for us as content creators.

“Content marketing is the essential element of the marketing mix: quality and measurability will be the driving forces!”

– Phileas, 2014

Massive growth native advertising

The first trend that Phileas mentions in his article is the enormous growth of native advertising. Native advertising is a form of advertising. But the special thing about native advertising is that, most of the times, you actually can’t see that the content is sponsored. It just looks like an independent article, and that’s the strength of this form of advertising. Nowadays native advertising is the most popular way to advertize your company.

People share content that they like, content that they find interesting. The influence of millions of individual people grew with the rise in popularity of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media. If your business creates a great video with a sneaky message about your brand, you’ve got the chance that it goes viral. Just praising your company will become less important, you have to make sure that your company has a story that people want to listen to. So, quality content in combination with native advertising is an important trend in 2015. Do you want to see some great examples of advertising videos gone viral? Just click on this link:

Brands become publishers

Another important trend in content marketing is that companies try their best to build their own audience. Why would you pay for an audience through other channels if you can create your own? Lots of brands are buzzy to increase their own role as publishers of content and that’s a trend that will continue in 2015. The quality as well as the quantity of the content that gets distributed in 2015 will rapidly increase. Do you want to join this content revolution? Just start publishing today!

“Make or break”-point is reached

According to Joe Pulizzi, the CEO of the Content Marketing Institute, 2015 will be the year of the professionals. The weaker competitors will drop behind in the area of native platforms. He predicts that Buzzfeed and Quartz will continue to expand, while other platforms like Forbes will go down because of a lack of quality and reliability. In short, the “make or break”-point is reached. 2015 is the year to prove that you’re one of the professionals!

Quality of content becomes way more important

We’ve named it a several times already, but you can’t say is often enough. The quality of content increases in value. This phenomenon plays for a while now, but because of the huge amounts of content that everyone can access, it becomes more and more difficult to differentiate yourself from your opponents. It takes a lot of efforts to create qualitative content, but it also creates a lot of benefits for your company. Your target audience will take your company more serious if you provide qualitative content. Don’t we all want to be taken seriously?

Storytelling with audio-visual content is essential

Storytelling by using audio-visual content has been important for a while. Almost every person in the world has seen a tv-commercial. But nowadays we take audio-visual content to a whole other level. First it was a privilege if you were able to share your audio-visual content on media like tv or radio. But nowadays, with new techniques and equipment, everyone can create their own audio-visual content and share it with thousands of people. YouTube, Instagram, Vines and other social media provide a platform for all of these content creators. In 2015, the number of content creators will continue to grow very quickly. The expectation is that lots of companies will use this development, by letting their audience create their advertisement. Because we all know, the best way to reach a new audience is to use your existing audience!

Do you want to know more about the trends in content marketing in 2015 and the years after that? Subscribe to our newsletter If you want to make sure that you don’t miss any on-page content trends you should start a free trial of Textmetrics today. Textmetrics is always looking for ways to stay up-to-date.

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