Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
August 22, 2021

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The importance of B1 in job descriptions – Part 2

Four golden tips to improve the readability of your job descriptions. Here we go!

Welcome to Part 2 of “The importance of B1 in job description,” extended by popular demand. Where did we leave off? Ah, yes! We were talking about getting fewer responses to your job descriptions than expected. Maybe, probably, that’s because very few people can understand them. The language used might be too difficult. It’s a harsh fact, if you ask us, but average reading levels are dropping. This has an impact on the number of readers and just like many other companies, you probably want a more diverse and inclusive workforce which starts with job descriptions that everyone can understand. This means producing job descriptions that are written at a B1 level which also means following the tips below! Come and read with us!

This is the second of two articles in which we give you four tips about writing accessible job descriptions. Discover four more tips below.


1. Use shorter words

Words that have multiple syllables are harder to read. Especially for people with reading disabilities, such as dyslexia. To alleviate this, it’s important to use synonyms with fewer syllables, thus, not “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis,” but instead, “silicosis.” Some more examples are:
“Need” instead of “requirement”
“Team” instead of “personnel”
“About” instead of “regarding”
“Buy” instead of “purchase”
Many words with multiple syllables have a shorter synonym. Sometimes, it just takes a little time to discover them. But hey, it expands your dictionary!


2. Avoid the use of jargon

Jargon can make it hard for people to understand job descriptions. Perhaps you often use industry jargon because you’re so used to it but for outsiders, these terms might be completely unknown. In this way you might exclude people simply because they don’t know the jargon.


3. Use inclusive language

You want to motivate everyone to apply to the job: men, women, and people of all ages and ethnicities. It’s the only way to achieve your diversity and inclusion goals. To do so, your job descriptions need to be free of any bias. Often, older people are excluded in job descriptions and most job descriptions have a more masculine tone of voice. That’s unfair! This age and gender bias is not inclusive and needs to be avoided. You need to write in a way that appeals to everyone, and do so at an understandable B1 level.


4. Write in the same way as you speak

To increase the readability of a job description, you should write in the same way as you speak. One way to do so is to ask questions. We don’t mean to ask about their favorite lasagne. Instead, ask candidates questions just like you would during a job interview. Another strategy is writing in first and second person. You can achieve this by using “we” or “our” (first person) as well as “you” and “your” (second person) in your job descriptions. Just like you do when you talk to people in person!


5. How Textmetrics can help writing at B1 reading level

You did it! You’ve just read four golden tips to improve the readability of your job descriptions, and we’ve shared four more with you here. Do you want some help? We’re here to help you! The Textmetrics platform uses AI algorithms to assess the readability of your job description and gives you suggestions to reach the desired B1 level. All to improve the readability. As a result, more people will apply, and it will be easier to reach your D&I goals. Just wow!

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