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SEO Whitepaper: the best whitepapers to learn about SEO

Whether we are looking for some new shoes, searching for an answer to the question when we know whether we are in love or just have to find the nearest lawyer because you do not want to continue with your partner, we nearly always use Google. Put your question in the search engine and your answer will appear. The nearest lawyer? Five hundred meters straight ahead, first left and then on your right. New shoes? These online stores sell something that has to be of your taste. And if there is not a moment where you do not think about the other person, then you’re probably in love. Ever so useful of course, but even more useful is if you can make people who ask Google questions, come to your website. Making sure you are at the top of Google search results related to your business. How do you do that? The answer can be found in search engine optimization, in English abbreviated as SEO. You can hire expensive experts for this, but you can also try to give it a go yourself with the help of seo whitepapers. In this article you’ll read about what a SEO whitepaper is and in which way a SEO whitepaper can help you and your company to keep growing and we will give you an overview of a number of SEO whitepapers that might be worth the trouble to read it.

SEOWhich website is displayed at the top of Google is more often than not a coincidence though. More and more companies are making good use of so-called search engine optimization (SEO). This means make good use of the rules and laws that Google puts up for an article, so you’re the one that appears at the top of the search results and not your competitor. By knowing the Google algorithm, you can influence it, as is the idea behind search engine optimization. These laws and regulations sometimes involve very logical things: if you want people searching for a flower shop to find your flower shop, then you should have an article on your website in which the word flower shop appears repeatedly. When you do not state on your website that you have a flower shop, Google does not know it and you can wait forever for customers over the internet. Another such important rule is that Google mentions that other websites link to your site. The more sites that do, the more important or more relevant what you’ve written will be, so the higher you finish in the search results. That sounds great, right? If you know the rules and regulations of Google inside and out and apply them, nothing can go wrong. That’s true, but only to a certain extent.

Reading SEO Whitepapers, why?

Google updates its rules and laws now and then to not be entirely predictable. And that’s where SEO Whitepapers come into play. Many companies that have SEO experts employed write so-called SEO Whitepapers. In these documents you can find information on search engine optimization. Often it is a thin digital booklet of several pages with the most important tips that can help you to be found in Google better. As you can read in one of the SEO Whitepapers for example, you need to delve into the language of the target audience. That seems at first glance like it might have nothing to do with increasing your findability, but it does indeed. If you call yourself beauty specialist on your website constantly, when people search for beauty salon in Google, then you’ll never be found. In another SEO Whitepaper you see that more and more people are Googling from their mobile phones. Just look where the nearest shoe store is if you are already walking in the city or on the toilet to kill shopping time by ordering online. This development also has an impact on you, because do you have any idea of how your website looks on a mobile phone? Is it pleasant to read for visitors? Or do they go off when they see that the site is unreadable? Not at the least unimportant because nine out of ten mobile searches lead to action and even half lead to a purchase. Another SEO Whitepaper advises its readers to choose very specific focus words. These are the words that you want to be found by people searching in Google. Of course you can give it a try to find a term like “chocolate cookies”, but that is such a broad term that you first have a lot of competition and, secondly, that people do not find what they want. For example, they want a recipe for gluten-free chocolate cookies or order hand-made white chocolate cookies. The SEO Whitepaper recommends, therefore, to go as specific as possible, because the chances of selling are much larger.

SEO WhitepaperBecause SEO Whitepapers are written for people who are not yet an expert in the field of search engine optimization, reading a SEO Whitepaper is an easy and accessible way to delve into Google’s algorithms. You do not usually plow through dozens of pages of technical terms in order to get to all the useful tips. A SEO Whitepaper is sometimes only twelve, eight, or even as little as two pages. That means you do not need a lot of valuable time to still get useful tips to improve your website. The tips in a SEO Whitepaper are often easy to apply so you will often immediately be stimulated and inspired to get started with your own website. Besides that, reading a SEO Whitepaper can provide many tips, tricks and inspirations, it is also an important way to keep abreast of developments in the field of search engine optimization. Because the laws and regulations of Google change almost every year, many businesses that specialize in SEO publish a new SEO Whitepaper each year. Reading a SEO Whitepaper is thus the ideal way for an entrepreneur to keep abreast of new trends in the field of search engine optimization. You do not have to go looking for what Google has changed but you are served exactly that, in bite-sized chunks.

SEO Whitepapers; which ones should you read?

The online offering of SEO Whitepapers is huge. Now of course you can request a few SEO Whitepapers and just hope they make sense, but by that you risk wasting time on a document which was actually not worth it at all. The team at Textmetrics reads SEO Whitepapers regularly and we therefore reviewed a number of these online guides in the field of search engine optimization for you. So you can see what SEO Whitepaper has something to offer for you and which of them you don’t have to take a look at. Click on the link for the full review.

No expert and not into a SEO Whitepaper? There is a solution

If you’re not an expert in the field of SEO and don’t like reading all SEO whitepapers every year to keep up with the latest trends in search engine optimization, there is another solution. At Textmetrics you can write for your website texts and you get feedback while writing on how you can improve your text so that it will be found easier. You do not have to follow the rules and laws of Google in mind while writing, but that is done for you. The Textmetrics team makes this feedback meet all the latest guidelines from Google. So we read the SEO whitepapers for you and ensure that you always get feedback according to the latest trends. This is not only useful for you if you want to start filling up your website, but if you want to check old texts for their effectiveness in accordance with the rules and regulations of Google. You paste your old text and we will tell you how you can improve that text. This way you can also see if a text you wrote according to the SEO rules last year, meets the new rules of Google this year. Textmetrics will make sure your texts are fully optimized year after year.

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