March 27, 2023

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SEO and text improvement: why the two cannot exist without each other

Why is everyone always talking about the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Okay, it’s free. But a good SEO strategy takes a lot of time. And time is money. We all know that. But if you do it right, SEO will also give you a lot. The higher you rank in search results, the more users will click through to your website. And the more visitors on your website, the greater the chance of conversion.

Besides, chances are that your competitors are also working on SEO. Of course, you want to stay ahead of them. A good ranking also increases your brand awareness, especially if you score well for several search terms. So, do you want to come to the attention of your target group? Then a good SEO strategy is indispensable.


How does SEO work?

Well, we could write full pages on that. But we won’t do that here. Let’s keep it short. SEO relies on three pillars:

Everything you adapt to your website behind the scenes for SEO. Think clear site structure, fast loading time and as few error pages as possible.

The information your target audience is looking for. Landing pages, blogs and articles that you optimize for SEO with keywords your visitors search for.

Link building is the most widely used SEO method to influence the authority of websites. This is necessary because Google needs to find your website ‘trustworthy’ for a high ranking. With the right Saas and e-commerce backlink strategies you can focus on acquiring links from reputable sources relevant to your website.

Zooming in on content: quality matters most

As text improvers, we at Textmetrics are mainly concerned with improving all kinds of content. So let’s zoom in on that. Keywords are important, but the quality of your content is really most important.

The time of writing for Google is really over in 2023. You write for your readers. Of course keywords are important, but the readers you write for are even more important. Here’s the thing. Does your content add value to a user’s search query? Then Google will reward you with a good ranking, because it puts the reader first.

In addition, the better your ranking, the better your target audience can find you. Then, of course, it is important that the texts on your website match your target audience. And appeal to your target group. Texts stuffed with keywords are not going to do that. You don’t want to read those yourself, do you?

With your content, you want to convey a message to your readers, right? And you can only do that with high-quality content. But how do you achieve that quality? How do you write an SEO text that appeals to your entire target group? With our platform for text improvement, of course! The text optimizer gives you suggestions and advice for writing high-quality, inclusive texts in understandable language. Texts that appeal to your entire target group (and Google ;-)).

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