Textmetrics for Recruitment.
Our platform reads along, analyzes your text, and provides real-time improvement suggestions.
Our insights
We identified the top 3 reasons why job postings lack quality
What Textmetrics Solves
Bias decoding
Low quantity of applicants
Insufficient quality of applicants
No diversity among applicants
Continuous training
We identified 3 reasons why job postings do not attract diverse candidates
What will you experience as a manager or writer?
Managers are supported by a comprehensive reporting and monitoring environment that provides continuous insight into the quality of existing job openings, employer branding texts, and all relevant communication.
The manager can perform analyses across job openings to see how they can be better written. For example, it pulls what competitors use in their job postings, which job titles perform better than others, and what content leads to the best candidates.
Textmetrics also analyzes whether the text contains excluding, redundant, incorrect, or unnecessary elements and indicates exactly what can be adjusted to resolve those issues (e.g. gender-neutral language, overly long sentences, redundant or incorrect words, difficult language).