Textmetrics for Recruitment.

Our platform reads along, analyzes your text, and provides real-time improvement suggestions.

Our insights

We identified the top 3 reasons why job postings lack quality

Limited Target Group

If you want to attract many suitable candidates, you should try to reach a target group that is as large and diverse as possible. At the same time, you want all your text to be in line with your organization’s branding, so you always convey the right message.

Flaws and Imperfections

Text quality is influenced by any number of seemingly small things. Together, these flaws can add up to a low-quality job posting. Special attention must be paid to spelling and grammatical errors, optimization for SEO/Google for Jobs, accessible language, and accurate and complete content. For example, a job posting should include required job skills and mention the right employee motivators.

Lost Knowledge

When experienced recruiters leave the organization, their knowledge and best practices are not automatically transferred to the remaining team. This means that the creation of job postings is often left in the hands of newcomers who may have relatively little departmental knowledge to write the best job.

What Textmetrics Solves

Bias decoding

Low quantity of applicants

Insufficient quality of applicants

No diversity among applicants

Continuous training

We identified 3 reasons why job postings do not attract diverse candidates

Biased job descriptions
Gender or Age discrimination
Complicated language
No inclusive corporate image

Our success formula

The 4 pillars of the Textmetrics solution

Augmented Writing

The Textmetrics augmented writing environment generates improvements and assists your staff in writing high-quality content. It reads and assesses while the content is being written and gives suggestions on how to improve the text. This according to preset criteria which meet your company’s standards. Existing content can also be monitored and quality can be controlled.


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The artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms start by analyzing and measuring your company’s lexicon. Textmetrics contains a vast set of algorithms that are able to interpret wording and suggest changes while writing content. The AI based algorithms are able to recognize aspects such as how formal/informal the text is, how sophisticated/easy to read, how friendly, amicable, neutral, feminine, masculine, and so on. Centrally, you can select your company’s preferences and, automatically, any person who writes content will be supported to apply the selected settings.


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Over the past years, Textmetrics has retrieved a lot of data to make sure that our platform gives you the best possible text outcome. For instance, data to analyze whether your text or job description contains words which are more appealing to men or to women. In 2020, we started working together with Intelligence Group, which gave us access to even more data. Now we can support you in writing the best possible job texts, tailored for every job you can imagine. While writing, you’ll instantly see the top 15 job drivers you should mention to your reader. We have the data and you get the best!


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Textmetrics has more to offer than writing good texts. We give your texts purpose and we co-create together with you to come to job descriptions that inspire people. Texts that motivate people to work for your company and make sure that your branding is incorporated in the messages that you will put online. Make people feel like they are already part of your company, accelerate the feeling of inclusion and make sure your texts speak to a diverse group of people. Get the insights, get the best!


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What will you experience as a manager or writer?


Managers are supported by a comprehensive reporting and monitoring environment that provides continuous insight into the quality of existing job openings, employer branding texts, and all relevant communication.

The manager can perform analyses across job openings to see how they can be better written. For example, it pulls what competitors use in their job postings, which job titles perform better than others, and what content leads to the best candidates.

Recruiters are supported by an AI during writing as it reads along with them, analyzes the text being created for a given purpose, and gives advice based on data-driven algorithms.

Textmetrics also analyzes whether the text contains excluding, redundant, incorrect, or unnecessary elements and indicates exactly what can be adjusted to resolve those issues (e.g. gender-neutral language, overly long sentences, redundant or incorrect words, difficult language).


Examples of available algorithms for Recruitment

Job drivers
Textmetrics automatically advises per job type what job drivers make people apply.
Textmetrics advises how to optimize the job description for Google for Jobs.
If the job description is not according to the employer branding Textmetrics tells what to change.

Address the world, exclude nobody.

How do you address people if they do not understand your language? Textmetrics supports 12 languages, Tone of Voice, no integrations with an ATS necessary, supported in Microsoft Word / Outlook. Light implementations.