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7 Simple Steps To Make Your Own Stunning Infographic

In the last year, infographics became more and more popular. By using an infographic, you can tell your story in a more visual and attractive way.

But how do you create an infographic that people like, read and share? What makes an infograpic stunning and great? That’s what we’re going to find out today!

According to Infographic Labs, there are 7 simple steps to follow when you’re trying to make your own infographic.

We used these steps as a guideline for our own thoughts about infographics and the steps to your own stunning infographic!

Step 1: Choose your infographic subject

It probably sounds easier than it looks but the first step is to choose the subject for your infographic. Especially when you make your first infographic, it’s possible that you have to change your subject multiple times.

Why? Because a good subject for your infographic has some conditions. For example, you have to be able to find a lot of valuable information about the subject.

Short facts, nice to know info and maybe even some history, depending on what the goal of your infographic is. Second, your subject has to be understandable with only a bit of information.

You can’t use loads of words to explain your point, because then you’ll lose the power of your visual infographic. The best way to choose a good subject is to write down a list of ideas and just start doing research.

You’ll find out soon enough whether your subject is good or not. Try to find a new angle of incidence, that’s what makes your infographic interesting to read!

Step 2: Do research

The next step is to do research. Check your ideas, collect information and look what you can write about your subjects. The possibilities are endless, but it’s important that you don’t spend too much time on your research.

Our tip to keep your research under controle is to set some deadlines for yourself. For example, first take a look at every subject for only 10 minutes. In these 10 minutes you’ll be able to see how much interesting information there is to find about your subjects.

After this first round you’ll be able to score out most of your subjects. Try to keep up to three subjects after this first round. Maybe, all of these three subjects are interesting.

In this case, you should choose the most current issue for your infographic. You can always keep the other subjects in mind, for your next infographic!

If you’ve chosen your final subject, you can deepen your research. Try to find as much valuable information as you can.

Step 3: Collect interesting facts and conclusions

After your research, you can start collecting interesting facts and conclusions. Not all of the information that you’ve found is interesting for your target audience and the art is to find out which information is.

Choose your type of infographic and start filtering your information into this specific concept.

A roadmap? Timeline? Explaining a defenition? Checklist? The possibilities are endless, but it’s important to make a good choise, to give direction to your facts and conclusions.

Step 4: Make a visual design

While collecting facts and conclusions, you’ll probably get an idea of what your infographic has to look like.

For example, if you’re writing about the history of firemen, maybe it’s nice to keep the flames or firetruck in mind while creating your visual design.

Try to find a visual angle to your subject and transform this into your infographic.

Step 5: Choose a matching color scheme

If you’re making your visual design, you also have to think about the color scheme. There are many ways to decide which colors to use in your infographic,

but the most important thing is that you choose a color scheme that fits the purpose of your infographic. If you don’t have any idea at all, you could also take a look at this color-meaning map:


Step 6: Select or make striking pictures or drawings

If you’ve chosen your visual design, colors, facts and conclusions, it’s time to choose your pictures and drawings.

These visuals are the basics of your infographic and it’s very important that you take your time to find some visuals that strengthen your other elements.

It’s just a case of search, try and search again.

Step 7: Edit until your infographic looks stunning!

If you’ve chosen all your elements, you can start editing. Change your design multiple times, until you’re sure that it’s exactly the way you like it.

You should never publish something that you don’t fully support! If you think that you’re finished, just wait for a few more days before you publish your infographic.

Don’t look at it at all for three days and after these days, take a final look and make your final changes. This way you’ll be able to get a clear mind, which is very important if you want to get the best out of yourself!

Try these 7 simple steps and make your own stunning infographic!

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