Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
August 5, 2021

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Why every company needs a chief diversity officer

HR departments just keep getting busier. They need to take care of things like payroll, policies and staff. They are also often on the look-out for new, talented people. It’s a task that hasn’t become any easier in recent years as talent is becoming scarcer. And then there is dealing with diversity and inclusion in the workforce. 

For a lot of companies, D&I is now their number one priority. But is that something HR should be in charge of? Most HR departments simply don’t have the time to add it to their long list of tasks. You need a chief diversity officer. We’ll tell you more about it here. 

What does a chief diversity officer do?

The job of a chief diversity officer is not an easy one. Because how do you measure diversity and inclusion efforts across an organization? And how do you promote D&I across multiple business units? The chief diversity officer must come up with an organization-wide plan. This describes what’s necessary to reach the D&I goals that have been set. Recruitment is also a part of this, so the organization needs a strategy for the recruitment of diverse candidates. 

Of course, these plans and strategies surrounding D&I all need to be followed and carried out efficiently. That’s the responsibility of a chief diversity officer. 

Why do you need one?

Diversity and inclusion in the workforce are important for a number of reasons. First off, it’s the right thing to do. And it’s expected from you by job seekers, as 67% of them say that diversity is important to them. That’s to be expected as society becomes increasingly more diverse as well. A diverse workforce is also a more productive and creative one. 

These are mostly arguments for the importance of D&I in itself. So why do you need a chief diversity officer to achieve this? The reality is, becoming a more diverse company is not as easy as it sounds. And although it seems to be a job for HR, they are often too busy with other tasks. To give D&I the attention it deserves, you need someone who works on it daily. 

How can Textmetrics support you with writing the perfect job description for a chief diversity officer?

Finding a chief diversity officer can be quite challenging—especially since it’s a relatively new job title. So, you’ll need to write a good job description. One that will appeal to as many people as possible. To people of all ages, and to men and women alike. And you’ll also need to make sure it’s easy to find online. 

Textmetrics can help you with all of that. 

Our platform helps you write inclusive job descriptions that appeal to many. Job posts that have:

  • a more gender-neutral tone of voice;
  • appeal to both men and women; and
  • are free of any bias. 

And they’ll also be optimized for SEO and Google for Jobs, too! 

Are you looking to hire a chief diversity officer? Then get in touch to let us help!

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