For who?

How to write for everyone and include everybody?,How to write all your texts inclusively?,How to achieve your diversity & inclusion goals?

D&I or DEIB, short for: diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, has been a hot topic for the past few years. Find out how Textmetrics can help you achieve your company’s D&I goals.

Textmetrics employees coffee time

More than gender inclusive

Creating diverse and inclusive content is more than just avoiding gender bias. It means including people from all walks of life – different ages, cultures, and even those with lower reading proficiency. Our software has got you covered in this aspect of D&I too.

More than just your content

Meeting your D&I goals is tougher than it seems. Your website needs to be accessible to everyone, not just a select few. Textmetrics can help you do that. For instance, someone who is visually impaired can enjoy your content more if your website is screen reader-friendly and usage of colors like red and green are minimized.

Company wide consistency

Make sure everyone in your company is on the same page when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Using Textmetrics can help keep things consistent, whether it’s in emails, on your website, or during the hiring process. So why not take a company-wide approach and make it easy for everyone?

Read all customer stories here

The Role of AI in Dismantling Stereotypes in Branding

The Role of AI in Dismantling Stereotypes in Branding

For decades, brands have inadvertently (and sometimes advertently) leaned on stereotypes to communicate with their audience. The dashing dad grilling steaks in the backyard, the ever-calm mom gliding through domestic turmoil with a grace that borders on supernatural,...

Advantages of hiring neurodivergent talent

Advantages of hiring neurodivergent talent

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How does the Textmetrics Expert View work

How does the Textmetrics Expert View work

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A conversation with Textmetrics Partner LUB GmbH

A conversation with Textmetrics Partner LUB GmbH

Creating inclusive content is not as easy as some might think, especially not when you speak and write in a gendered language like German. Exactly this linguistic and social challenge is the core business of LUB GmbH, a valued customer and business partner of...

A conversation with our partner Extanto

A conversation with our partner Extanto

Extanto is an established company that provides high-quality content services for academic publishing in the USA, with a specialization in science and mathematics. The company started in 2009 and expanded its business in 2017 to include a DEI-content creation and...

7 tips to attract Gen Z with your job ad

7 tips to attract Gen Z with your job ad

Gen Z – the generation born between 1997 and 2012 – is ready to enter the job market. Don't scare them off with a job ad where you demand 4 years experience for a starter job on minimum wage. Gen Z has the whole digital world at their fingertips and they know there is...

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