Leontien Rutenfrans

Marketing Manager Textmetrics
February 6, 2017

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5 tips to increase your rankings in 2017

Hilde Stapert-Kalsbeek, Senior SEO specialist
22 March 2016

The changes of Googles algorithms, more than 500 times a year, have definitely an impact on the rankings of your website. In this blog we’ll give you five tips to get higher results in Google this year and more traffic to your website.

Mobile first

The Google index is going mobile first and if you don’t have a mobile-friendly page your website may not rank as highly. If you aren’t certain if your website meets the criteria for being mobile friendly, log in to your Search Console account and view the Mobile Usability Report. Google will report mobile issues there, so you can take the appropriate action.

Link Building

Links are still the top-ranking factor for Google’s algorithm. The number of external links you receive is important. It’s important to focus on relevancy in links. In order to optimize rankings, you need to find relevant links within the industry you operate. Match content and links up as perfectly as possible to keep rankings moving in a positive direction.

CTR and user experience

Google identified Click Through Rate (CTR) and user experience as major ranking factors. User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with your company, your services and products. Increasing one will certainly increase the other as well. The higher CTR you have, and the more user experience your site receives, the higher the Google rankings. Keeping visitors on your site is one important element in the Google ranking equation.

keyword research

Keywords are in 2017 still the key to your online SEO strategy. Whether you have your own (business) blog, website, webshop or another online platform, these words can help you to give guidance to your content and to determine what your chances in the search engines are. With the Keyword Suggestion Module in Textmetrics we help you finding the best keyword for your content.

use Textmetrics

If you want to make sure that you use all these SEO tips the right way, you should start a free trial account. With Webtexttool you create rank boosting content. Results higher positions in Google and more traffic to your website! If you’re using Textmetrics, you also have free access to the page tracker. This tool helps you to measure your current, past and future Google rankings to see what kind of influence the changes that you make have.

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