Textmetrics for Craft CMS

Textmetrics is the easiest way to make your website content SEO proof, resulting in higher search engine rankings and more traffic to your website. With Textmetrics everyone can create great content and make sure it’s SEO proof at the same time.

We’ve put the knowledge and expertise of many many SEO experts in our SEO suggestions engine and made it very easy to use. You don’t need to be an SEO expert yourself!


The Textmetrics plugin integrates with the Craft CMS editor. While writing your content, you will see realtime suggestions on how to improve your content. The suggestions will show directly alongside the editor, so they are clearly visible and easy to follow.


Textmetrics will analyze your content and tell you how to optimize it for maximum results in search engine rankings.


Textmetrics will help you find the best keywords for your content. Fill in your keyword to have it analyzed on volume and competition in realtime and also get suggestions on other keywords you could use.

Installation & Usage

To install Textmetrics for Craft CMS, follow these steps:

Download & unzip the file and place the Textmetrics directory into your craft/plugins directory.
-OR- do a git clone https://github.com/iNalgiev/Textmetrics.git directly into your craft/plugins folder. You can then update it with git pull.
-OR- install with Composer via composer require iNalgiev/Textmetrics
Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins.

The plugin folder should be named Textmetrics for Craft to see it.
GitHub recently started appending -master (the branch name) to the name of the folder for zip file downloads.

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